Home / Collections / Burgundy / Bouchard Pere & Fils 'Beaune du Chateau' Cote du Beaune Premier Cru Blanc, 2013

Bouchard Pere & Fils 'Beaune du Chateau' Cote du Beaune Premier Cru Blanc, 2013

Bouchard Pere & Fils 'Beaune du Chateau' Cote du Beaune Premier Cru Blanc, 2013

Bouchard Pere & Fils 'Beaune du Chateau' Cote du Beaune Premier Cru Blanc, 2013


From the producer:

Between the very cold temperatures, the very dark sky and the exceptionally heavy rains, the weather conditions were unfavorable from the outset. The vegetative development of the vine was therefore delayed by more than three weeks. Then the flowering suffered from unstable weather which caused coulure and millerandage. The more propitious summer benefited the ripening of the grapes, but the violent hailstorm of July 23 hit the vines, especially in the Côte de Beaune, leading to a substantial drop in yields. Finally, the humid and hot month of September favored the development of rot, which we controlled in particular thanks to leaf stripping. Today our wines show a strong expression of their terror.

FOOD AND WINE SUGGESTIONS: Fine charcuterie, pies, hot pâtés, snails.