Home / Collections / FRENCH WHITE WINE / Domaine Mosse "Goldeneye" Blanc VDF, 2019

Domaine Mosse "Goldeneye" Blanc VDF, 2019

Domaine Mosse "Goldeneye" Blanc VDF, 2019

Domaine Mosse "Goldeneye" Blanc VDF, 2019

Agnès and René Mosse live and work in the village of St-Lambert-du-Lattay, in the Coteaux-du-Layon area of Anjou. The Layon is a small tributary to the Loire that lazily digs its way through well exposed and drained hills of schist and sandstone. Its micro-climate allows for a long hang-time, and when the mornings are foggy in the fall, with no rain, botrytis develops easily on the Chenin grapes.