Home / Collections / FRENCH RED WINE / Domaine Chofflet Valdenaire Givry, 2017

Domaine Chofflet Valdenaire Givry, 2017

Domaine Chofflet Valdenaire Givry, 2017

Domaine Chofflet Valdenaire Givry, 2017


Domaine Cofflet-Valdenaire is a 200 year old estate in South of Burgundy.  Their red, 100% Pinot Noir, is a delightful example of what a young and approachable Bourgogne rouge can be. Bright and acidic, bursting with red fruit aroma such as cassis and raspberry. Domaine Cofflet-Valdenaire farms their land under La Lutte Raisonnée (translated: “the reasoned struggle”) making wine the old-fashioned way. This is a perfect wine to summon the warmer weather. Light the charcoals and roast a whole chicken with garlic and herbs and butter. Light bodied, fresh, simple, and fruit forward, there are few better wines to pop open in the early days of spring, preferably drunk outdoors.