Home / Collections / France / Chateau Combel La Serre "L'Elephant Blanc" VdF, 2022

Chateau Combel La Serre "L'Elephant Blanc" VdF, 2022

Chateau Combel La Serre "L'Elephant Blanc" VdF, 2022

Chateau Combel La Serre "L'Elephant Blanc" VdF, 2022


Vermentino, Sauvignon

Chateau Combel La Serre is certified organic as of the 2015 vintage, but chemicals have not touched the vineyards for quite some time. Everything was conventionally farmed from the advent of such technology, but the death of Julien's grandfather from Parkinsons deeply affected the family's agricultural philosophy. Convinced that the chemicals he'd openly exposed himself day in and day out were at the root of his illness (on top of the vines, an additional 40 hectares of cereals were worked by the family at the time), the Ilbert stopped using these products on their land.

The wines have also evolved in the decade since Julien launched his own estate, culminating in what we now get to enjoy in our glasses. Though you should never judge a book by its cover, Julien has made the decision to design playful labels and bottle the wines in Burgundian bottles, two seemingly superficial details that are actually a very bold statement in the ultra-traditional mindset of most Cahors producers.