Home / Collections / Orange Wine / Anapea Village Kisi Amber Kvareli PDO, 2020

Anapea Village Kisi Amber Kvareli PDO, 2020


Anapea Village Kisi Amber Kvareli PDO, 2020


This wine is made of 100% Kisi. Aged 6 months on its skins, this is an orange - more properly, 'amber' - wine, with savory tannins and off-dry flavors of peach, lychee, and grapefruit. Although unrelated, Kisi and Gewürtztraminer share similar flavor profiles, being floral, slightly off-dry, and rich in fruit. Kisi is best enjoyed with something rich and spicy: Duck Pad Thai with tamarind sauce, pepperoni pizza with hot honey, or marinate some vegetables with some heat and throw them on the grill.